Alfredo Barsuglia’s Social Pool was an eleven-by-five-feet wide pool open for anybody to use. White, unadorned and geometric, it was formally reminiscent of a Minimalist sculpture and was located in a remote area of the Mojave Desert in Southern California, United States.
The pool was open to anyone to use, but users of the pool had contact the West Hollywood art institute, the MAK Center for Art and Architecture, to obtain the GPS coordinates and a key to open the cover. As instructed by the artist, only one person or a small group could use the pool and the key had to be returned to the MAK Center within 24 hours. Users where also required take a gallon of water with them to replace any water that evaporated from the pool. Although the exact location of the pool was originally intended to remain unknown to the general public, a simple google search can provide you with the accurate coordinates to still access the area. The pool has sense been officially closed on September 30, 2014 by Alfredo Barsuglia. Even though it continued to see up-keep after the project was shutdown it was eventually vandalized in April or May 2016 and was unfortunately non reparable.
Read more at http://www.social-pool.com
Social pool 2.0 is the new name and new art installment following the original pools destruction in 2014. This new pool will feature a 12 by 12 by 5 foot deep concrete construction with a steel cover, backup battery cup holders blue tooth speaker and led lights to add color during the evening.
The pool will still be free and open to anyone to use, but users of the new pool will need to make an online reservation to obtain the original GPS coordinates and a new key code used to unlock the cover to the pool. As originally intended by the artist, only one person or a small group will be allowed use the pool and the key will be reset every week ensure the pool isn’t vandalized. Users will also still be required take a gallon of water with them to replace any water that will naturally evaporate from the pool. The pool is currently in the building stage and is now accepting donations.